Take two minutes of your time to understand how the massager works. It's important. Back pain is in second place among the causes of temporary disability after colds. Sooner or later, everyone wants to get rid of it.
In 90% of cases people visit doctors with a request to get rid of nonspecific pain.
In 85% significant relief occurs within 1-3 months after a medical treatment. However, in 30% of cases, the pain comes back within a year and can become chronic among 10-20% of patients. Therefore, it's better to treat the problem, not the symptoms. The options are as follows: sports, physical therapy and massage.
- Non-specific pain is associated with muscle spasms (in our case, it is the most widespread cause), not with structural changes in the vertebrae, as in osteochondrosis and its complications. Therefore, the effect of exercising on the massager can be achieved during the first 7 days.
- Muscle spasms (muscle-tonic syndrome) occurs because of the excessive load on the back or prolonged lack of any kind of activity and poor posture. We often sleep in the least comfortable posture, work long hours sitting, stoops in front of a computer screen, cell phone or desk in a position in which not only the neck, shoulders, but also legs get stiff.
- Our muscles are in a constant tension during long static loads. This causes a violation of the outflow of lymph and venous blood, which leads to the formation of edema in the tissues surrounding the muscles. So, edema is a consequence of muscle spasm, and tense muscles of the body affect the nerve endings, which leads to a constant pain syndrome.
Pain increases muscle spasms and thus movement restriction takes place.
This creates a vicious circle: spasm - tissue swelling - pain - repeated spasm increase.